True-to-life, science-based nutrition information that helps people enjoy eating for good health!

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23 07, 2017

Does the Non-GMO Label have any Impact on Your Health?

Rosanne Rust2023-03-21T12:42:43-04:00Post|

This post includes a link to a blog that was sponsored by the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance, but are expressions of my own. Throughout the course of my 30-year nutrition [...]

31 03, 2016

Will GMO-free Labeling Really Sell?

Rosanne Rust2019-06-26T13:54:54-04:00Post|

One of the reasons I started writing this blog was to help people search out the facts about nutrition, food, and diet trends, and sort out the false claims and fear-mongering [...]

4 05, 2015

Is It Chipotle’s Role to Educate You on GMOs?

Rosanne Rust2023-12-19T14:36:19-05:00Post|

So Chipotle's been in the news again. This time, they have taken a stance on GMO, ensuring that none of their foods contain any GMO ingredients. Do you care? I [...]

13 10, 2021

Plant Breeding: Farm to Fork

Rosanne Rust2021-10-13T12:28:42-04:00Post|

Just about everything you purchase in a grocery store has been improved through plant breeding. Through generations of research, scientists have learned a lot about how to make seeds and [...]

22 09, 2020

Food, Labeling, and Biotech

Rosanne Rust2023-03-21T12:45:34-04:00Post|

Are you concerned about what's in your food? Nature is full of chemicals. Even the "chemicals" in your food are mostly derived from nature (from either plants or animals). I've [...]

25 02, 2020

Good Grains

Rosanne Rust2024-02-02T10:32:27-05:00Post|

Fiber can help with digestive health, blood sugar control, and in reducing cholesterol. Did you know that grain foods offer a significant amount of fiber to a healthy diet? This [...]

14 01, 2020

What the Cluck?

Rosanne Rust2020-01-14T20:39:37-05:00Post|

Farm-raised. Cage-free. Hormone-free. What do all of those statement mean on a package of chicken or eggs? The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulates the language you see on food [...]

30 09, 2019

Genetic Modification and Plant Breeding

Rosanne Rust2023-12-19T14:36:22-05:00Post|

When I began writing a nutrition column over twenty years ago, most dietitians or doctors did not have the topic, "where do plants come from", on their radar . Both [...]

23 09, 2019

Choosing Fruits and Vegetables

Rosanne Rust2023-10-11T11:03:45-04:00Post|

September is National Fruit and Veggie Month - a time celebrate all things fruits and vegetables and encourage consumers to eat more of them every day. Are you avoiding some [...]

22 07, 2019

Consulting Services


Freelance Writing | Media Communications | Public Speaking Partnering with a registered dietitian can elevate your brand or product space with credible expertise. Great content will bring new perspectives [...]

20 07, 2019



Rust Nutrition and Chew The Facts®. All rights reserved. Disclosure: As a Nutrition Communications Consultant, I am sometimes paid to write, but most of my posts at Chew the [...]

16 07, 2019

Animal Science and the Environment

Rosanne Rust2023-12-19T14:36:22-05:00Post|

Food is linked to the environment. Growing food depends on proper climate conditions. The use of natural resources and the application of pesticides or herbicides have an impact. But when [...]