Has pandemic fatigue set in for you?

I finished up a long weekend of virtual “conferencing” on Tuesday. While it was great to still be able to join my recent annual food & nutrition conference virtually, it was added time at a computer screen. In addition, there were a few after hour socials via zoom, and sessions available all day on the web. Then visits through the virtual booths of the product expo. Plus regular work. The platform will be available for a while, so we can attend more sessions at a later date, but – my eyeballs hurt!⁣

Breaking Up Your Work Day

People everywhere are experiencing pandemic fatigue in multiple ways. Many who are working virtually from home may find it especially difficult to relax and get away from the office. Students included!⁣

Research shows that taking frequent breaks helps with productivity and creativity. It could be that the length of your workday doesn’t matter  as much as its structure. Remember, that stress affects your whole health. Stress can impact your sleep patterns, which can impact your blood pressure and eating habits. Stress may also encourage more mindless snacking or too many cocktails. It’s important to learn how to manage it.

As a writer, I know this to be true. Writing takes a lot of energy and enthusiasm. To be productive, I need to get regular exercise and take regular breaks. With diet books and cookbooks, the marketing aspects require a lot of time on my phone taking pictures and creating content.

These simple breaks help me:

  • Intentionally taking breathing breaks through the day helps.
  • Yoga and stretch breaks help (check out my colleague’s yoga classes and follow her on Instagram).
  • Sometimes I’ll need a whole day to regenerate. A day where I’ll leave my phone behind and change my scenery completely (usually outdoors or maybe some window shopping). ⁣I definitely return with more energy and a clear head.⁣

How do you recharge?⁣