True-to-life, science-based nutrition information that helps people enjoy eating for good health!

balanced diet

9 12, 2022

Add Mindful Balance to the Holiday Season

By Rosanne Rust|2023-03-21T12:46:29-04:00December 9th, 2022|DASH Diet/Wellness, Weight Management, Wellness|Comments Off on Add Mindful Balance to the Holiday Season

Weight management is an important part of staying healthy, preventing disease (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease) and feeling good.  However, weight loss is much more challenging for some than others. Most registered dietitians agree that what used to be considered as "normal body weight parameters" are often [...]

9 04, 2021

Are Most Supplements Worth It?

By Rosanne Rust|2023-03-21T12:45:39-04:00April 9th, 2021|DASH Diet/Wellness, Food Facts, Food Trends, Health Professionals, Healthy Aging, Weight Management, Wellness|Comments Off on Are Most Supplements Worth It?

Are there quick fixes for better sleep and more energy? ⁣Quick? The short answer? No. However can you improve your sleep and have more energy? Yes!! Managing your health will lead to improved sleep, more energy, and a better mood. However it takes some thought, self-reflection, and action. [...]

1 02, 2018

Down and Dirty for Heart Month

By Rosanne Rust|2023-12-19T14:36:21-05:00February 1st, 2018|DASH Diet/Wellness, Food Facts, Heart Disease, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Down and Dirty for Heart Month

You hear a lot in the news about "eating clean", going "plant-based", and avoiding "chemicals" in your diet. Well, here's the thing, food IS chemistry. We eat chemicals. We are made of chemicals. They aren't all scary. The ingredients here may seem scary, but they aren't. This [...]

24 03, 2015

No Really, Dietitians Do Want Kids to Eat Right

By Rosanne Rust|2023-03-21T12:39:57-04:00March 24th, 2015|Just for Fun, Uncategorized|Comments Off on No Really, Dietitians Do Want Kids to Eat Right

courtesy of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics There's been quite a stir over the past week over the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics decision to allow Kraft® to use their "Kids Eat Right" logo on the Kraft Singles® product. Among registered dietitian members, there is not [...]

21 05, 2014

One Dietitian’s Pantry

By Rosanne Rust|2023-03-21T12:39:30-04:00May 21st, 2014|Food Facts, Just for Fun, Uncategorized|3 Comments

Proper eating is about valuing your own health, and the health of those you care for, so in my work, I try to help people set realistic goals (i.e. easy and doable) for themselves. Cooking from scratch is a step in the right direction. Whether you are using a [...]

12 05, 2014

Fed Up with Pseudoscience

By Rosanne Rust|2023-03-21T12:39:19-04:00May 12th, 2014|Food Facts, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fed Up with Pseudoscience

If you haven't heard, a new movie about the potential causes of childhood obesity opened this past weekend. In the likes of Supersize Me, King Korn, and Food Inc (which claims that for "the average American, the ideal meal is fast, cheap and tasty"), this movie sensationalized the [...]

28 03, 2014

Set Yourself Free From Food Rules

By Rosanne Rust|2023-03-21T12:39:16-04:00March 28th, 2014|Food Facts, Just for Fun, Uncategorized|1 Comment

A colleague recently pointed out how people are often more worried about what their food is "free" of (sugar-free, antibiotic-free, hormone-free, gluten-free, wheat-free, fat-free), as opposed to the important stuff that the food is providing (protein, antioxidant vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytochemicals). Not to mention the enjoyment good food [...]

3 07, 2013

Will New Junk Foods Will Have a Health Halo in the School Cafeteria?

By Rosanne Rust|2023-03-21T12:37:42-04:00July 3rd, 2013|Food Facts, Uncategorized, Weight Management|Comments Off on Will New Junk Foods Will Have a Health Halo in the School Cafeteria?

A recent news story covered changes in school food service to improve public health and the health of our children. Partly spurred by the Let's Move campaign and our nation's focus on childhood obesity, school districts are making changes to attempt to offer healthier snack foods to our [...]

12 03, 2013

Eating Your Way – Is it Okay?

By Rosanne Rust|2023-03-21T12:37:07-04:00March 12th, 2013|Food Facts, Uncategorized, Weight Management|Comments Off on Eating Your Way – Is it Okay?

This year's National Nutrition Month® theme states to "Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day". I think this is a great slogan. Many folks however, may ask: Does eating right allow treats like salty snacks or sweets? Or fried food? I say yes, as long as "your way" includes [...]