There has been so much buzz over sugar this year, particularly fructose. Fructose is found naturally in fruit and is a monosaccharide found in both sucrose and high fructose corn syrup (each are about 50% fructose, and 50% glucose). A new study shows that consuming excessive calories is the root of health problems, not fructose itself.  The study reviewed 18 trials, with 209 participants who have Type 1 and 2 diabetes, and found that fructose consumption did not significantly affect fasting glucose or insulin.

“Attention needs to go back where it belongs, which is on the concept of moderation,” said Adrian Cozma, the lead author of the paper and a research assistant with Dr. Sievenpiper.

Consuming too many calories leads to weight gain, and all sugars should be consumed in moderation (9 teaspoons a day for men, 6 teaspoons a day for women). Hopefully this study will help consumers understand that it’s the quality of the whole diet that counts; helping them focus on eating better overall instead of obsessing about package labeling and one or two ingredients.

Getting back to basics is easy – eat foods from the food groups first, then allow sweet treats in small portions. For the basics, see My Plate. If you need some extra support, I have online programs to help guide you, like the Mini Diet Makeover®.


I am a nutrition consultant to the Corn Refiner’s Association, but my thoughts and opinions are my own.